9. Railway Forum 2025

Europe's leading management conference for the rail industry

September 2 - 4, 2025 I ECC Berlin

Under the patronage of Jan Grothe, CPO, Deutsche Bahn AG, and Rolf Härdi, CTIO, Deutsche Bahn AG, more than 1,700 decision-makers and experts from the rail industry will meet at the Railwayforum. The participants include the entire value chain from Germany and Europe: rail and network operators, OEMs for rolling stock and infrastructure, suppliers of all tiers as well as representatives from politics will be on site.

Prepare now for the year 2025!

Secure the best price and save up to € 630 on your ticket!
Subsequent changes are possible!

First come first serve: Secure a stand in a top location with an early booking!
Many exhibitors have already secured their space.


Participants on site



Partners & Sponsors




  These companies have already confirmed their participation for 2025:

These are the topics for 2025:

Manage growth

Leadership and specialists

Digital railroad

Sustainability and new technologies

Supply chains of the future

Conference film


"I think the special thing about Railway Forum is the right mix of presentations where you can learn new things, exhibition stands where you can see and touch products and - very importantly - networking where you can meet and exchange ideas in person."

Rolf Härdi, CTIO, Deutsche Bahn AG

"I think one of the common insights we have gained as an industry here at Railway Forum is that we not only need to digitize further, but we also need to digitize faster. Only then can we take the next steps towards innovation."

Isabel Vollers, Director Mainline Wayside & Infrastructure D-A-CH, Alstom

"The rail sector will play a key role in the transport transition and therefore also in climate change. We have a completely new awareness of this in business and politics. This opportunity must be seized now and Railway Forum serves this purpose."

Jan Grothe, CPO, Deutsche Bahn AG

"An excellent forum for the next era of mobility"

Dr. Ben Möbius, Chief Executive Officer, German Railway Industry Association (VDB) e.V.



"The direct access to the decision-makers was great. The openness and speed through the active use of the app made it very easy to arrange appointments with participants at all decision-making levels!"

"It was simply wonderful to have only direct decision-makers at the trade fair and to be able to introduce ourselves to the upper management levels."

"Very well organized and implemented hygiene regulations. The participants and speakers are decision-makers!"

"The virtual presence was very pleasant. You could switch on for the presentations and work the rest of the time."

"Concentrated specialist knowledge, open discussion atmosphere, lively setting."


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